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Boiler Servicing

In many countries which have winter season, heating equipment is an important component in the buildings, and the most commonly installed unit meeting this purpose is the boiler. Hence boiler is put in continuous operating mode especially during winter season.

It is the natural tendency for operating equipment to encounter some problems; thus, there is a necessity for the boiler to have a regular scheduled servicing. In most cases boiler manufacturers always recommend servicing schedule after a certain operating period. This servicing is important in order to prevent premature breakdown.

Excel Plumbers is one of the local plumbers which is serving most of London’s sectors because of our branches which are located strategically. We are pleased to offer boiler servicing which is in accordance with the recommended manufacturer’s preventive servicing schedule.

Since we are the authorized and accredited installer for many of the leading boiler brands, we have easy access of the support of these manufacturers. Hence this will make our work effective and efficient and will be beneficial to our clients.

Our servicing is carried out by our fully qualified engineers who are registered with the Gas Safe and Corgi group. This will give you assurance that your boiler will not only operate efficiently but safely. This has been our commitment to our customers.

Moreover one of our concerns is when we give servicing to your boiler it is our goal that you’ll operate it at optimum efficiency. Operating at the highest efficiency possible would mean getting significant amount of money savings through the reduction of fuel consumption.

Excel Plumbers will conduct an efficiency test whenever we will have boiler servicing. This will be in compliance with the manufacturer’s procedures and standards. Thus, this servicing will be converted to your advantage because this will prevent unexpected boiler breakdown and will lengthen the operating life of your boiler.
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